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Some of our Cuddle Positions

A great day begins with a great cuddle.

Cuddle Positions

Little and Big Spoon

This is probably everyone's favourite position, transmitting a  safe feeling and warmth. It is amazing to be cradled in a healthy, naturist way. 


Lying on our sides we face the same direction. Little spoon touching with back against tummy of big spoon. 

Big spoon touches tummy alongside his cuddlers back, embracing his arms around his little spoon.

tantric couple cuddling in a spoon position

The Spine Tingler

Face down on the bed in anticipation of fingertips tingling on your spine, We snuggle closely skin to skin lying beside you with our head on your arm or back. This starting position an introduction to more intimate positions to follow

tantric goddess embracing her tantric god from the side

Eye to Eye Cuddle

We lay facing each other closely allowing eye to eye connection, deep and meaningful. Heads resting on our arms or pillow our legs and arms entangle in this naked embrace

tantric couple cuddling face to face lying down while legs entangled

Standing embrace

Stood together in naked embrace, arms wrapped around waists gently pulling our bodies together connecting at the hips and chest, heads resting against each other feeling the warm breath on our faces

tantric cuddle hugging softly in the present moment

 Loving Embrace

Feel held, feel safe, feel you belong. Snuggling our head on your shoulder or chest we cuddle chest to chest arms wrapped around and legs entwined, all nude of course

tantric warm cuddle side to side

The “ Nurturing Heart Cradle”

This nourishing position is a warming and nurturing antidote to feeling lonely, feeling down or just wanting a natural pick-me-up.  Your cuddler lies on her back and holds you as you are resting your head on your therapist's chest. It is a soothing cuddle creating a special connection, sense of a well being with a  gentle heart beat echo.

Embrace the art of cuddle for life :)

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